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Last Minute Tax Tips

If you missed the last TAXCHIC TOOLBOX session, here's a couple of last minute tips for June 30! 1. Pay your June quarter employee super today, this could save heaps!

2. Write off bad debts to claim a deduction for them

3. Do your stocktake now

4. Ensure your trust distribution minutes are signed and you've thought about mum, dad, grandma, kids, grandkids!

5. Give to charity of choice and feel great about making a difference

6. Sponsor a local sporting club

8. Pay all your bills and business expenses now to get the deduction this financial year. We paid ours 3 months in advance!!

9. Book and pay for flights to inspect your investment property

10. Buy equipment and assets under $20k excl GST

If you need any help, give one of our accountants a call on 07 3050 4212.

Last Minute Tax Tips

If you missed the last TAXCHIC TOOLBOX session, here's a couple of last minute tips for June 30! 1. Pay your June quarter employee super today, this could save heaps!

2. Write off bad debts to claim a deduction for them

3. Do your stocktake now

4. Ensure your trust distribution minutes are signed and you've thought about mum, dad, grandma, kids, grandkids!

5. Give to charity of choice and feel great about making a difference

6. Sponsor a local sporting club

8. Pay all your bills and business expenses now to get the deduction this financial year. We paid ours 3 months in advance!!

9. Book and pay for flights to inspect your investment property

10. Buy equipment and assets under $20k excl GST

If you need any help, give one of our accountants a call on 07 3050 4212.

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Tax & accounting services are provided to you by HM Business Partners.

Property services are provided by HM Property Partners.


Warning: The information contained herein is of a general nature only and does not constitute advice. You should not act on any information without considering your personal needs, circumstances and objectives. We recommend you obtain professional financial advice specific to your circumstances. You should read any relevant Product Disclosure Statements before making an investment decision.

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