Kym, Vanessa and their team of qualified Accountants, can assist you with business start-ups, cash flow management, corporate compliance, management accounting, selling a business and many other aspects. these ladies will translate the numbers an analytics into layman's terms and practical observations.
Business Start-up
If you’re considering a business start-up, it can be a very exciting time in a world of creativity, innovation and how you are going to do things differently. While it’s awesome to be doing something that you love, you also need to make a living and ensure your families assets are protected should something go wrong. We’ll take the time to listen to your ideas, what you plan to do and how you plans to do. We love start-ups so we’ll ask lots of questions, probably have lots of other idea ideas on how to manage some aspects of business and most importantly we’ll assist to identify any potential risks. We are able to offer you full business structuring advice and we’ll explain in layman’s term the various options and why we’d recommend a particular option. The two big factors for consideration in structuring your business is protecting the family assets and tax efficiency. That doesn’t sound like the fun stuff however it’s crucial to get it right in the outset as it becomes very difficult to change in the future. So whether you have a small start-up or you’re founding a large organisation with foreign owned investors – we’re happy to sit down and discuss your needs.
Cash flow Management
Cash in king when it comes to being able to manage the finances of a growing business. The lag between the time you have to pay your suppliers and employees and the time you collect from you customers is the greatest problem in business. The only solution to this problem, is better cash flow management. At it’s simplest, managing your cash flow means essentially delaying outlays of cash as long as possible while encouraging anyone who owes you money to pay as soon as possible. This may appear as simply in inflows minus outflows however the reality couldn’t be further as we manage GST, PAYG and Super provisions together with varying suppliers terms, other accounts all while focusing on business and collecting the accounts receivable in a timely fashion. We are happy to help determine a cash flow strategy and would be happy to assist to putting in place a few tools and measures to help you better keep track of it all.
Corporate Compliance
It's easy to feel overwhelmed when trying to keep up with the ever changing Corporations Law. There are many tasks involved that absorb your valuable time not to mention the penalties that you can incur if something is missed. We are happy to take all of this off your hands from start to finish whether it be setting up a new company, trust or superannuation fund, registered for GST or PAYGW, handling share transfers or managing trust deed amendment. We are here to help and have experience staff on hand to manage the process for you.
Management Accounting
All of our Tax Accountants here at HM Business Partners have worked in very senior CFO position with large organisations at some stage in their careers. WE are well placed in the market to be assisting you with your management accounts. Many of our clients have even engaged our services as a virtual CFO whereby you get the benefit of a Chief Financial Officer without the significant cost of employing a full time, fully qualifies staff member. Your virtual CFO provides regular performance reports together with budgeting, cash flows, business planning, goal setting and a range of many other functions where appropriate. IF you are considering this for your business, give on of the Partners, Kym or Vanessa call to discuss your needs.
Selling a Business
Selling your business is a big step and the complexities can sometime be overwhelming. Getting the right advice is crucial as it can lead to substantially varied outcomes. We will work with you to develop a clear plan from taxation perspective and we will work with your business broker (should you decide to appoint one)_ to ensure you have everything you need in a timely process, ultimately leading to you achieving the best possible price. There are many other alternatives than taking your business market though and we'll also help you explore the potential off-market alternatives such as staff buyout, venture capital investment and competitive partnering. WE will also work with you to ensure the successful handover of your business.